
I'm Court PC's principal and founder, John Lach.  I combined an early interest in computer databases with experience as an attorney and as the Caseflow Coordinator in the Stamford Superior Court to build a foundation for this business.

The computer records system adopted by the Connecticut courts was never designed to address all of the background research needs of lawyers, investigators, business or the general public, since it was created primarily  to provide a case management tool for court personnel. Under that system, once a case is closed, there's no further need to keep any record of it.  After release of computerized agency records was authorized under the CT FOIA statutes in 1992, I began compiling data from Superior Court civil and criminal cases into databases that would never be purged, and which would provide the most complete picture of all business that had come before those courts.

Over the years, Court PC data has provided documentation serving many uses. Our data has been used to reconstruct lost or missing records, to identify verdicts and establish personal injury case valuations, to defend against fraudulent claims, to discredit unreliable witnesses, and in support of bills before the Connecticut Legislature. On a regular basis, civil and criminal records searches run on our data have helped thousands of people secure employment, obtain mortgages and title insurance, establish trust and sound working business relationships, create companies, and protect their interests and reputations.

Public records searches often turn up no records. Only by using a comprehensive, reliable records service can public records researchers be certain that what they don't find may be of equal or greater importance than what they do find. Building and keeping a reputation for thoroughness has always been the key measure of Court PC's success. Now, even after twenty years, our databases still include those records obtained when the business began. Dedication to providing timely and informed delivery of Connecticut public records information, and dependable, flexible and personal responsiveness to our clients' concerns round out the principles that comprise Court PC's professional ethic.

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